Bless them now and Elements will bless you in return!

What’s at stake?

From the moment the vision of Elements was born, it was all about our passion for people, nature and kite-surfing. Consequently we are operating Elements primarily as a social business.

COVID-19 has now forcibly brought the world to a standstill. Because of this unique situation people are realizing that we all are in the same boat. Many are now starting to reflect about what really matters in life and how fortunate they are.

In Sri Lanka, most people live from month-to-month struggling to survive with no savings and governmental assistance. Without our help, many members of Elements staff could lose their job because of the COVID-19 crisis and immediately fall below the poverty line.


What can we do to help workers?

By navigating to the link below you can sponsor a local Elements team member. With a donation of 35 EUR/week or 140 EUR/month you will support a family to cover their basic needs.

Out of gratitude for your support, Elements will reimburse the full amount. In other words, you may count 100% of your sponsored amount towards a future booking of yours.

Sponsor a family and enjoy some beach time at Elements in Sri Lanka, worth your sponsored amount!

Thank you for supporting the Elements vision!


Donate directly

IBAN: CH81 0023 0230 5678 4501 L
The Three F Foundation
Alte Dorfstrasse 36, 8704 Herrliberg, CH

Donate via Credit Card

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In the present lockdown situation during the COVID 19 crisis the local people of Sri Lanka, including our staff, would immediately fall below the poverty line if they lose their jobs. They need our help – it’s not about saving a business; it is about protecting a few families from poverty!
— Marcel Bobay - Chairman Elements Beach & Nature Resort

A video message from Marcel:

Elements Beach & Nature Resort

Kappalady, Talawilam, Kalpitiya, Puttalam District
Sri Lanka

The Three F Foundation

Alte Dorfstrasse 36, 8704 Herrliberg